
December 19, 2024

Police Groups Oppose Nominee Adeel Mangi Over Cop Killer Ties

WASHINGTON – Several law enforcement organizations are urging the U.S. Senate to oppose Adeel Abdullah Mangi’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. In letters to various senators, the organizations highlight Mangi’s role on the advisory board of the Alliance of Families for Justice (AFJ), an organization not only co-founded by a cop killer, but that also has described other convicted cop killers as “freedom fighters.”

Kathy Boudin, AFJ’s founding board member, pleaded guilty to felony murder for her role in a Brinks armored truck robbery that resulted in the death of two police officers in 1981. She served 23 years in prison. Boudin served as a decoy in the crime, luring two police officers to lower their weapons before they were ambushed, shot and killed by co-conspirators. The heinous crime was politically motivated—Boudin and her Weather Underground Organization committed the robbery to secure funds for their militant-marxist political activities.  To honor her legacy, AFJ sponsors a paid year-long “Kathy Boudin fellowship.”

To read the full story by U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary please click here